Nech Sar National Park

Nech Sar National ParkNech Sar means in Amharic “white grass”, which is in reference to the great plain which covers 514km2 of habitat of Savannah with different types of Acacias. This park was created to protect the endemic Swayne’s hartebeest. This large antelope measures approximately 1.3meters and weighs between 125kg and 250kg. It has dark chocolate color, and elongated face. The horns start close together at the base curving twice out wards to the end and the horn is marked by ring.

Besides its being   planned for Swayne’s hart beets, the park contains   high concentration of Burchell’s zebras, Grant’s gazelles, greater and lesser kudus. But perhaps the most touching image of the savannah is of the very small Guenther’s dik diks. This graceful miniature antelopes have red or dark grey coats, small, slightly elongated heads enormous black eyes, and lively expression.  They are usually seen in pairs because they are monogamous and family oriented.

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