
The Ethiopian New Year falls in September on 11th of it or Meskerem 1st according to Ethiopians. It is manifested by the spotless sun all the day long which creates an atmosphere of impressive clarity and fresh clean air. The highlands turn to gold as the Meskel which is celebrated on the 28th of September daisies brust out in all their majesty.


Timket is the greatest festival of the year, falling on 19th January. It is actually three day affair, beginning on the eve of Timket with dramatic and colorful processions. The holy Tabot, A replica of the Ark of Covenant, is taken from each church around the country a day before celebration and brought to a central area where the ceremony will take place. Normally the celebration takes place in Addis at an area called Jal Meda with a very big congeregation.The following morning, the great day itself, Christ’s baptism in the Jordan River by John the Baptist is commemorated. Church officials, resplendent in their gorgeous regalia, assemble around the Tabot and sprinkle holy water over all the Christians present and receive the renewals of their vows. After this is done the congregation follows the bishops, elders and clergy as the Tabot is carried back to the church from where it came. Almost all people of Ethiopia prepare Tej and Tella at their homes and call every body for Dinner or lunch. There is traditional dancing every where in the country.


It is celebrated on the 27th of September to commemorate the finding of the true Cross by Empress Helena wife of Constantine the Great in the fourth century. The celebration is conducted on Squares where many people are gathered together.

Learn more Meskel


Oromo people during Erecha FestivalThis festivity is celebrated on Sunday that comes following meskel. Irecha means, according to Oromo’s, Thanks giving day to their “Waqa “or God. At national level, it is celebrated in Bishoftu town in Oromyia region in Lake HORA ARSEDI. On the festival Community leaders and Aba Gadas address thanks to WAQA for the blessed transition from the rainy season which is normally considered as dark to the bright and colorful season (Birra). On the day different cultural dressings give a very majestic to the environment and hence worth visiting. Every year over 2 million Oromos are attending the celebration.

Hidar Tsion Mariam (St. Marry)

The commemoration of Mary, “Hidar Tsion” is associated with the presence of the Ark of the Covenant in Axum and the belief that the Ark itself is a symbolism to Her Womb. This festival is attended by tens of thousands of people from all over Ethiopia, making it one of the most Joyful annual pilgrimages in Axum, the “sanctified city of the Ethiopians.” On the date, early morning attend the annual celebration of Saint Marry with the priests chanting the church music, beating the drums and the ordinary people who are gathered as far as Addis Ababa cheering and attending the festival. On this day the resident people in Axum prepare the local beer, coffee and fasting foods (because of the fasting period before Christmas) and invite their relatives who came from far distances.

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